Mpox Animal Surveillance: Guideline Development and Validation

Mpox Animal Surveillance: Guideline Development and Validation

Human cases of Mpox have been identified since 2017 in Nigeria. The potential role of animals in the circulation and transmission of mpox through inconspicuous contact with rodents and small mammals underscores the importance of further investigation of animal reservoirs for public health intervention.

One of the health strategies involving animal, environment and human health measures could have far reaching impact in the prevention and control of the disease.

With the support of WHO, NVRI organised a workshop to develop and validate an Mpox animal surveillance strategy. This strategy will identify animal reservoirs of the virus, detect and characterise orthopox virus-positive samples collected from small mammals, rodents and identify transmission pathways between animals and humans.

The animal surveillance strategy plan has been developed through consultations with interdisciplinary experts.

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